Francisco Freire ganha bolsa do ERC

O Conselho Europeu de Investigação (ERC) atribui uma Starting Grant ao projeto de investigação de Francisco Freire— investigador integrado do CRIA-FCSH/Nova e coordenador da linha temática Azimute: Contextos Árabes e Islâmicos. O projeto tem a duração de 48 meses e um orçamento aprovado de 1.192.144 euros. Parabéns!


Título do projeto: “Critical Approaches to Politics, Social Activism, and Islamic Militancy in the Western Saharan Region (Mauritania, Western Sahara, Southern Morocco)”.

Sinopse: CAPSAHARA proposes an analysis of the reconfigurations established in the socio-political vocabulary of the western Saharan region – southern Morocco, Western Sahara and Mauritania – from the “post-empire” to the contemporary period. The project should produce an analysis of 1) the social and political structures shared in the region, 2) the local variations of those structures, based on case studies, 3) their specific configurations, based on social markers such as gender, age, and class, 4) the use of those structures in different historical periods. All these will be under theoretical and ethnographic scrutiny in order to achieve its main goal: 5) to understand the recent articulation of the social and political structures of the Western Saharan region, with broader and often exogenous political vocabularies.


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